AMC (originally American Movie Classics) is an American television channel and the home channel for the television series, Preacher. They began airing Preacher on Sunday nights starting May 22, 2016.
Season 1[]
Series NO. | Season NO. | Episode name | Original airdate | Time slot |
1 | 0 | "Pilot" | May 22, 2016 | 10pm |
2 | 1 | "See" | June 5, 2016 | 9pm |
3 | 2 | "The Possibilities" | June 12, 2016 | 9pm |
4 | 3 | "Monster Swamp" | June 19, 2016 | 9pm |
5 | 4 | "South Will Rise Again" | June 26, 2016 | 9pm |
6 | 5 | "Sundowner" | July 3, 2016 | 9pm |
7 | 6 | "He Gone" | July 10, 2016 | 9pm |
8 | 7 | "El Valero" | July 17, 2016 | 9pm |
9 | 8 | "Finish the Song" | July 24, 2016 | 9pm |
10 | 9 | "Call and Response" | July 31, 2016[1] | 9pm[2] |